The 115 Who Voted for Tax Reform

Here are the 115 Kansas state legislators, Democrats and Republicans both, who voted to override Governor Brownback's veto of Senate Bill 30, which rolled back his disastrous tax policies. These courageous legislators stood up for Kansas, stood up for families hurt by tax policies that cut services, raised food taxes, and lined the pockets of the wealthiest without leaving anything for improved health care, educating our kids, or taking care of our seniors.

If your legislators are among these 115, please thank them for taking that vote. You can find your legislators at

Rep. John Alcala (D-57)
Rep. Steve Alford (R-124)
Rep. Clay Aurand (R-106)
Rep. Dave Baker (R-68)
Rep. Barbara Ballard (D-44)
Rep. Steven Becker (R-104)
Sen. Ed Berger (R-34)
Sen. Rick Billinger (R-40)
Rep. Elizabeth Bishop (D-88)
Sen. Barbara Bollier (R-7)
Sen. Elaine Bowers (R-36)
Rep. Shelee Brim (R-39)
Rep. Tom Burroughs (D-33)
Rep. Larry Campbell (R-26)
Rep. Sydney Carlin (D-66)
Rep. John Carmichael (D-92)
Rep. Lonnie Clark (R-65)
Rep. Stephanie Clayton (R-19)
Rep. Susan Concannon (R-107)
Rep. Tom Cox (R-17)
Rep. Steven Crum (D-98)
Rep. Pam Curtis (D-32)
Rep. Erin Davis (R-15)
Rep. Debbie Deere (D-40)
Sen. Jim Denning (R-8)
Rep. Diana Dierks (R-71)
Rep. Brenda Dietrich (R-52)
Sen. John Doll (R-39)
Rep. Roger Elliott (R-87)
Rep. John Eplee (R-63)
Sen. Bud Estes (R-38)
Sen. Oletha Faust-Goudeau (D-29)
Rep. Blaine Finch (R-59)
Rep. Gail Finney (D-84)
Sen. Marci Francisco (D-2)
Rep. Stan Frownfelter (D-37)
Rep. Linda Gallagher (R-23)
Rep. Jim Gartner (D-53)
Sen. Bruce Givens (R-14)
Sen. Dan Goddard (R-15)
Rep. Mary Martha Good (R-75)
Sen. David Haley (D-4)
Sen. Randall Hardy (R-24)
Sen. Tom Hawk (D-22)
Rep. Daniel Hawkins (R-100)
Rep. Henry Helgerson (D-83)
Sen. Anthony Hensley (D-19)
Rep. Larry Hibbard (R-13)
Rep. Dennis "Boog" Highberger (D-46)
Rep. Don Hineman (R-118)
Rep. Tim Hodge (D-72)
Sen. Tom Holland (D-3)
Rep. Cindy Holscher (D-16)
Rep. Russ Jennings (R-122)
Rep. Steven Johnson (R-108)
Rep. Anita Judd-Jenkins (R-80)
Rep. Jim Karleskint (R-42)
Rep. Jim Kelly (R-11)
Sen. Laura Kelly (D-18)
Sen. Dan Kerschen (R-26)
Rep. Jan Kessinger (R-20)
Rep. Joy Koesten (R-28)
Rep. Annie Kuether (D-55)
Rep. Greg Lakin (R-91)
Rep. Greg Lewis (R-113)
Sen. Jeff Longbine (R-17)
Rep. Nancy Lusk (D-22)
Rep. Adam Lusker (D-2)
Rep. Patty Markley (R-8)
Rep. Leonard Mastroni (R-117)
Sen. Carolyn McGinn (R-31)
Rep. Vic Miller (D-58)
Rep. Monica Murnan (D-3)
Rep. Cindy Neighbor (D-18)
Rep. KC Ohaebosim (D-89)
Rep. Boyd Orr (R-115)
Rep. Jarrod Ousley (D-24)
Rep. Brett Parker (D-29)
Rep. Fred Patton (R-50)
Sen. Pat Pettey (D-6)
Rep. Eber Phelps (D-111)
Rep. Tom Phillips (R-67)
Rep. Jeff Pittman (D-41)
Rep. Richard Proehl (R-7)
Rep. Abraham Rafie (R-48)
Rep. Bradley Ralph (R-119)
Sen. Lynn Rogers (D-25)
Rep. Melissa Rooker (R-25)
Rep. Louis Ruiz (D-31)
Rep. Ron Ryckman, Jr. (R-78)
Rep. Tom Sawyer (D-95)
Sen. Vicki Schmidt (R-20)
Rep. Mark Schreiber (R-60)
Rep. Don Schroeder (R-74)
Sen. John Skubal (R-11)
Rep. Tom Sloan (R-45)
Rep. Adam Smith, A. (R-120)
Rep. Jerry Stogsdill (D-21)
Rep. Susie Swanson (R-64)
Sen. Dinah Sykes (R-21)
Rep. Sean Tarwater (R-27)
Sen. Mary Jo Taylor (R-33)
Rep. Patsy Terrell (D-102)
Rep. Kent Thompson (R-9)
Rep. Ed Trimmer (D-79)
Rep. Ponka-We Victors (D-103)
Rep. Jim Ward (D-86)
Rep. Troy Waymaster (R-109)
Rep. Virgil Weigel (D-56)
Rep. John Wheeler (R-123)
Rep. Brandon Whipple (D-96)
Sen. Rick Wilborn (R-35)
Rep. John Wilson (D-10)
Rep. Valdenia Winn (D-34)
Rep. Kathy Wolfe Moore (D-36)

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