Kansas Citizens for Science presents: Johnson County Science Cafe
October 14, 2014 at 6:30p
Join us as John shares a personal view of the science associated with South Africa. John will share what it was like growing up in South Africa and share his knowledge of South Africa as it relates to Australopithecus, important minerals, wild life, and experience as a doctor in Africa. John’s father was a physician and once served as the first doctor to work at a particular mission station since Dr. David Livingston, the Dr. Livingston, I presume. John once hitch-hiked on his own from Johannesburg through the Okavango Swamps. He practiced in a large hospital where adhering to social mores were as important as medicine.
John spent most of his youth in touch with nature and did his undergraduate degree in Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry. After receiving his medical degree, he worked in hospitals and private practice and eventually joined the pharmaceutical industry. At one point, he was Research and Development Director for Southern Africa which took him to the Congo and other countries to do research programs on TB. John has lived in Overland Park for the last 25 years.
Our November cafe will focus on the epidemiology of Ebola. This will be held on election night, Nov. 4. Please make plans to join us that evening, but first arrange to vote early, use an absentee ballot, or make sure to vote early that day.
For more information: [email protected]
9089 W 135th St
Overland Park, KS 66223
United States
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