Message to Legislators on Constitutional Amendments

We have just sent this message to all 165 Kansas State Legislators, concerning Constitutional amendments and other measures that have been introduced or proposed for action in the Legislature. In short, MainStream will find it virtually impossible to support legislators who support any of these or similar measures.

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To our Kansas State Legislators,

The MainStream Coalition advocates for values shared by all Kansans: good governance, quality public education, healthy communities, and sustainable fiscal policy. To do this work, we engage voters, advocates, and legislators on these issues. Communication and compromise are essential in doing this work.

However, when lawmakers suggest Constitutional amendments on controversial issues, either to make political waves, or in an effort to enshrine this extremism into the Constitution, we see no possibility for compromise.

Specifically, three measures have been introduced or proposed that MainStream opposes:

  • An amendment to eliminate the requirement in the Kansas Constitution to make suitable provision for finance of the educational interests of the state.
  • An amendment to include a ban on abortion procedures in the Kansas Constitution, despite or in conflict with Federal law.
  • An initiative to convene a Constitutional Convention of the States to amend the United States Constitution.

The MainStream Coalition would find it virtually impossible to support legislators who supported any of these or similar measures.

Thank you for your attention.

Carol Marinovich
Board President, MainStream Coalition

Brandi Fisher
Executive Director, MainStream Coalition


MainStream Coalition
5960 Dearborn, #213
Mission, KS 66202-9905
913) 649-3326

Founded in 1993, the MainStream Coalition is an advocacy group for moderate political views regardless of party. Our members do more than vote.

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