ALERT! Ask Gov. Kelly to veto SB 55!

SB 55, the bill to discriminate against trans girls and women in Kansas school sports, is on Gov. Laura Kelly's desk. Below is the letter Mainstream has sent asking her to veto the legislation. We need you to send her an email, too!

Here is the letter we sent:

Office of Governor Laura Kelly
Attn: Constituent Services, Rm. 264-W
300 SW 10th Ave.
Topeka, KS 66612

Hon. Governor Kelly,

The Mainstream Coalition calls on you to veto SB 55, the “fairness in sports” bill aimed at discriminating against transgender children in Kansas.

The legislators who voted for this this bill say that it provides a “level playing field” for girls practicing sports, by preventing transgender girls and women from participating with their peers. We contend that, rather than providing fairness, it perpetuates the idea that some in our society deserve less than others, by the simple fact of their existence.

Our fundamental difference with supporters is this: we refuse to condone harm to children based on something about which they have no choice, be it race, sexual orientation, culture, economic circumstance, or yes, gender identity. Proponents of this bill state it will “protect women’s rights,” but we are hard-pressed to see the intent as anything but to discriminate against a vulnerable population who need support, not condemnation.

In recent days, legislative proponents of this bill have decried the involvement of the business community in leveraging their influence to oppose it. The NCAA, FIFA, and others could move events out of Kansas should this bill pass. It is embarrassing that corporations and sports associations have found the moral courage to stand up for bullied children, where some of Kansas’ elected leaders have not.

We stand with our friends at Equality Kansas and encourage you to please veto SB 55, and we ask Kansas legislators to support that veto.


Michael Poppa
Executive Director

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published this page in Blog 2021-04-15 11:07:57 -0500
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