Asbury Church: Closing the Coverage Gap: Expand KanCare

Asbury United Methodist Church presents:

“Close the Coverage Gap” | Thurs., Mar. 15 | 7 pm | Hager Hall at Asbury United Methodist (5400 W. 75th, PVKS)

Church and Society will be hosting Sheldon Weisgrau, Dir. of the Health Reform Resource Proj. Healthcare for all is a faith-related issue. The social principles of the UMC state: “It is unconscionable that any human being should ever be denied health care due to econ., racial or class barriers…”

More than 150,000 Kansans fall into a health coverage gap. Join this forum!

March 15, 2018 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Asbury United Methodist Church
5400 W 75th St
Prairie Village, KS 66208
United States
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