Mainstream Coalition's priorities may change as new concerns arise, but we will always advocate for commonsense issues that respect the rights, beliefs, and freedoms of all Kansans. These are Mainstream Coalition's stance —listed alphabetically— on many of the issues prevalent in Kansas politics. This list is not comprehensive, please contact us if you have questions about these issues or other issues not listed.
Anti-Racism: Mainstream Coalition asserts that racism exists in our country, and is institutionalized in our government and communities. We commit to stand with those who experience racism, and work to reform the policies and institutions that perpetuate it. To make meaningful progress towards an anti-racist society, we will actively fight racism in the criminal justice system, education funding policies, health care access, fair housing, and other policy areas.
To stand against all forms of discrimination, and specifically antisemitism, Mainstream adopts the following working definition by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance: “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”
Environmental Impact: Mainstream Coalition believes that environmental issues, and the climate crisis in particular, have the potential to affect every individual in every community. We urge our elected representatives at all levels of government to include environmental impact, resource scarcity, and environmental justice as factors in every deliberation and action they take as representatives of their constituent communities.
Gun Safety: Mainstream Coalition supports the Second Amendment, but affirms that the right to bear arms does not extend to endangering the public. We believe in prohibiting the purchase or possession of assault weapons by the public. We strongly support local control over other firearms and weapons-related ordinances and regulations, and believe those regulations should require responsible and safe gun ownership.
Healthcare: Mainstream Coalition asserts the responsibility of government to take care of its people, especially the most vulnerable, seniors, children, those who do not have the means to care for themselves or their families, and those who cannot care for themselves. Access to affordable, excellent health care wherever you live is a right that should not be denied to anyone.
Immigration: Mainstream Coalition strongly affirms that immigrants—regardless of their immigration status—are guaranteed the same human rights, respect, and dignity as all Kansans. That includes the right to seek asylum, access to a sensible path to citizenship, and security in their communities and workplaces. We vehemently oppose policies that single out immigrants for dehumanizing treatment, like forced family separation. Kansas is stronger, more successful, and more resilient for the inclusion of immigrants among us.
LGBTQ+ Equality: Mainstream Coalition asserts that ALL Kansans must be treated equally under the law, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. We support efforts to affirm this equality in State statute, and oppose any measure that seeks to introduce discrimination against LGBTQ+ persons, families, or communities.
Public Education: Mainstream Coalition asserts that a holistic approach to education – pre-K through college – is essential to meeting the academic and social-emotional needs of students, and requires equitable opportunities for every student free of religious or ideological influence.
Redistricting: Mainstream Coalition affirms the concept of one voice, one vote – that each person who casts a vote should be equal to every other voter. A fundamental way to protect this basic principle of democracy is by creating fair voting districts.
Reproductive Healthcare: Mainstream Coalition believes everyone has a right to access healthcare without discrimination and have always supported an individual's right to make their own decisions about their reproductive health. We support data-driven efforts to reduce abortion rates by improving access to comprehensive sex education as well as affordable family planning.
Revenue Reform: Tax reform measures passed in 2017 did not restore all of the revenue lost to the Brownback Administration’s disastrous tax policies. Kansas revenues are still inadequate to meet its obligations to Kansans to support education, infrastructure, and the social and health care safety net. Mainstream Coalition urges lawmakers to continue the hard work of raising the necessary revenue while maintaining sustainable fiscal policies.
Transparency: Mainstream Coalition affirms the crucial importance of open and transparent government in responsible representation. Voters have the right to know what their elected officials do, and why. The political process is complex and requires compromises that can be difficult to explain, but hiding that process from the public does a disservice to Kansans.
Voting Rights: Mainstream Coalition strongly defends the right of every citizen to vote. To protect that right, we support efforts to make voting simpler, more accessible, and more secure. We support eliminating proof of citizenship requirements, enhancing access to advance ballots, and expanding the window for voter registration.