The Kansas Supreme Court ruled on Friday that Kansas is finally in compliance with their order to provide Constitutionally-mandated funding for public education. For the first time in at least a decade, Kansas is spending what the people expect, and can provide adequate and equitable public education for ALL Kansas children. But Kansas kids still need you.
First, a big thank you
We need to express our gratitude to so many people who have fought this fight for ten years or more. The parents who fought, not just for their kids, but for ALL the kids in Kansas. The teachers, persevering through it all, always with their focus on the children in their care. The school administrators who challenged the State, and would not back down. The advocates and activists, organizing, educating, working every day for schools. The legislators, those who have been steadfast throughout, and those who have come around. The Governor, whose leadership brought us the final mile. And, of course, the voters, all of you, who did more than just vote, but did vote, and shifted the direction of our state.
Thank you all. This was a huge win, and we are incredibly grateful to everyone who worked towards this day.
You are still needed in 2019
What do they say, no rest for the weary? The Kansas Supreme Court, as part of their ruling, will maintain jurisdiction over the case, so that they can ensure the Legislature fulfills their funding obligations. The Courts may need our help down the road, but we will cross that bridge when we get there. We can set our concerns for state funding to one side, for the moment.
Right now, you are needed in your local communities. Your school boards have elections coming up this year, in August and November. We know you're ready to focus on 2020, but your schools, our kids, need you in 2019.
Local school boards determine much of how school funding is spent. Will it go to teachers for salary? Will they hire counselors? Will Special Education receive support? Will more supplies be purchased? How much will be saved for emergencies?
Apart from funding issues, local school boards also set all kinds of policy that affect our kids. How is discipline handled in your school district? What policies exists regarding technology? How important are extra curricular activities, like the arts, or sports? What areas of study will be offered, or cut?
You are needed to make sure students and teachers are being given every opportunity to succeed in your schools.
Help us make a huge difference!
How can you help? Our non-partisan Voter to Voter program is gearing up for the local elections in 2019. You can do more than vote by becoming an Ambassador, and helping get out the vote! It'll be easy, and doesn't involve cold calling or long, hot days knocking on doors. Instead, our tool and staff will help you connect with people you already know, friends, family, or co-workers, to convince them to get out and vote this year.
In 2018, Voter to Voter connected with 5,500 Kansas voters, and 82% of them voted! That's 26% higher than the state, which at 56% was itself a record turnout! You know how important local elections are. Help us drive voter turnout this year.
Stay tuned for training sessions coming soon.
Do more than vote.