Getting Counted From Your Couch Event - Census 2020

The Mainstream Education Foundation's Voter to Voter project is hosting a Facebook Live event on Wednesday, April 1 (no joke!) at 2 pm to talk about filling out your 2020 Census form and getting counted, all while sitting on your couch. If you're interested, let us know with an RSVP and we will contact you to remind you right before it happens.

Here's a little more from them:

Wednesday, April 1 is national Census Day!

At 2 p.m. on Wednesday, we’re hosting a ‘Get Counted From Your Couch’ event LIVE on our Voter to Voter Facebook page where we’ll talk about the Census and message our friends together. We'll be joined by Audé Negrete, Executive Director of Kansas Hispanic & Latino American Affairs Commission, who had-until recently-been on a whirlwind, statewide tour encouraging Latinx voters to complete the Census. She'll be available to answer questions in Spanish.

If you’re wondering why we’re pushing this so hard during this time of uncertainty, consider the following facts:

  • Every uncounted person costs the state of Kansas approximately $2,082 in federal funding.
  • If 1% of Kansas is under counted, our state would lose $603,990,400 in federal funding over a 10-year period. That’s $600 million we’re going to need to recover from this pandemic period.
  • Census data is used to determine federal, state, and local voting districts.
  • As it’s only a once-every-10-years process, it’s crucial to get the count right or states that are undercounted will be shortchanged for a decade.

April 01, 2020 at 2:00pm - 3pm
Your couch!

Will you come?


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