Heartland Coalition Against Gun Violence

The Heartland Coalition Against Gun Violence is a group of organizations initially gathered to host a community forum in October, 2014.  

The Coalition is again sponsoring a 2nd Community Forum: Gun Violence – A Public Health Issue.

9am to 6pm October 12, 2015 at the Kauffman Conference Center.

The forum will provide an opportunity to again bring together individuals and groups who are concerned with the spread of gun violence in our culture.  Our hope is to begin to change the culture of violence by deepening the understanding of the issues involved. Participants will come away with the language and talking points to use in conversation, and strategies for next steps in moving our culture to a more responsible and sensible gun policy and practice. 

Speakers include:

Keynote -  Rex Archer, Director KCMO Health Department. Among the other speakers are Representative Barbara Bollier (KS) and Judy Morgan (MO); and representatives from Aim4Peace, AdHoc Group Against Crime, KC NoVa; Denise Dowd, ER Dr at Children’s Mercy.

Registration will begin on August 15, 2015. For more information please email [email protected].

Co-sponsors include MainStream Coalition, True Blue Women and 30 others. 



October 12, 2015 at 9:00am - 3pm
Kauffman Conference Center
4801 Rockhill Rd
Kansas City, MO 64110
United States
Google map and directions
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