JOCO Science Cafe: "Beyond Planet Earth"

Kansas Citizens for Science presents:JOCO Science Cafe

Wed. October 11, 2017 at 6:30, Come at 5:30 for dinner!

Speaker: Ian Clark, an Education Specialist at Prairiefire Museum


A week ago, the Astronomical Society of Kansas City was part of Opening Night at the Museum at Prairie Fire, near 135th and Nall, in Overland Park.   Their new exhibit is “Beyond Planet Earth”, and it is open to everyone now.    In the exhibit, you begin with the earliest satellites, and progress through our whole history of exploring the moon, Mars, and beyond.    Models of many of the spacecraft are there, among many displays.   I highly recommend it.    Check it out here:                           

So a week ago, there I stood at the exhibit, and inspiration hit.    I asked Ian Clark, an Education Specialist at PF, to come and tell you all about it at the Science Café!

Hope you can join us this coming Wednesday.   As always, please do come early (5:30 or so) and have dinner.   Coach’s always likes that.  

See you in a few days!

Jackie Beucher


Kansas Citizens For Science

Manager, Jo Co Science Café

913-522-8799 (cell)


October 11, 2017 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Coach's Bar & Grill
9089 W 135
Overland Park, KS 66221
United States
Google map and directions
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