MoveOn & KS Families for Educ: Save Our Schools Rally

JOCO MoveON and Kansas Families for Education are holding:
Saturday, May 21, 2016
1:30 pm March from Brown V. BOE Historical Site (1515 SE Monore, Topeka, KS 66612) to Capitol South Steps (300 SW 10th St., Topeka, KS 66612
2 pm Rally at State Capitol South Steps
Walkers will proceed from the Brown vs Board museum (celebrating an anniversary on 5-17-16) to the KS Capitol building. Please make your own hand held signs so the media and public will see our mission....signs should reflect their opinion on adequately and equitably funding KS K-12 schools.  If the Supreme Court's decision coming out soon is positive for our side, we will celebrate.  If the decision is against our side (which we do NOT expect) we will speak to that issue as well.  
Lastly, if anyone wants to skip the walk because of physical issues, they can meet us at the south steps of the Capitol at 2 pm.  
We appreciate your help in making this a successful SOS: Save Our Schools rally. 
Carpooling Available from Johnson County: Meet at Antioch & SM Parkway, SE Corner Lot at 12:15 pm.
May 21, 2016 at 1:30pm - 4pm
Brown V. BOE Site
1515 SW Monroe
Topeka, KS 66612
United States
Google map and directions
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