The MainStream Education Foundation is proud to announce our 17th annual Stand Up, Speak Out Awards Dinner!
5 pm, Sunday, October 22nd, 2017
Overland Park Convention Center, Overland Park, KS.
Online Auction is now open! No need to attend!
Our online auction is now open, and includes some amazing items, vacations, and experiences. You don't have to attend the event to bid on items! Go now, support MainStream, and get some amazing stuff.
Ticket sales have ended, but if you have committed to a seat, or been invited to sit at someone's table, you can still pay for your ticket(s) if you need to. Pay online with a credit card here or send us your check with this form.
You say you can't come? We're sorry, and we'll miss you. Here are some things you can do:
- Sponsor a seat for an up and coming activist or candidate! Email or call us to widen the tent!
- The silent auction is open to bidding!
- Donate directly to MainStream to support our work in 2018
Event Details
This year, we are honoring Duane Goossen, Senior Fellow at the Kansas Center for Economic Growth, for his insistence, over the past five years, that there is a better way to fund state government. He has doggedly shown Kansans, in his writing, and at forums across the state, that the tax policies enacted in 2012 hurt our state. He has steadfastly advocated for policies that do not burden any single segment of Kansans, that responsibly fund the duties of government, and set the state on a path to success. We will also celebrate the 115 Kansas state legislators—from both parties—who ultimately had the courage to override the Governor's veto of tax reform, and turn five years of resistance into forward progress.
Judy Sherry will be presented with the Step Up Award for her tireless advocacy for public education, separation of church and state, and gun safety.
Sally Levitt will receive the Volunteer Service Award, in recognition of her invaluable service as member, advocate, and officer.
This year we have taken our colors from the Kansas state flag to celebrate that despite it all, Kansas persisted!We are excited to welcome Dan Glickman to our stage for the keynote speech. Glickman was a member of the Kansas Congressional delegation for 18 years, served as US Secretary of Agriculture under Bill Clinton, and is now the Executive Director of the Congressional Program at the Aspen Institute, and a Senior Fellow at the Bipartisan Policy Center.
On this night we are honoring those who got us to this point, celebrating the spirit of courage that made it possible, and gathering strength for the fight ahead. Ad astra, per aspera. Kansas is showing the nation the way.
We look forward to seeing you on October 22, 2017.
The evening will begin at 5 pm with a cocktail reception and silent auction. This will be followed at 6:30 pm by dinner and the program.
6000 College Blvd
Overland Park, KS 66221
United States
Google map and directions