The MainStream Education Foundation invites you to save the date—October 21, 2018—for our annual Stand Up, Speak Out dinner, celebrating MainStream's 25th Anniversary!
Few people expected the small group founded by six dedicated individuals in 1993 to still be around a quarter century later, but few also expected there would still be a need. Yet we find ourselves today, still working to educate and inform, to get voters engaged to advocate for their families, their schools, and their communities.

Over the past twenty-five years, we have done this work alongside some of the most inspiring people in Kansas. For the last eighteen years, we have given out the Robert H. Meneilly Award to recognize some of them, their dedication to the rights of every individual, their courage in the face of adversity, their willingness to work within the political system to make change happen.
But as we look to the next twenty-five years, we believe our mission is best served by recognizing the incredible work being done by all the activists, all the voters, and all the legislators serving their constituents. This is exemplified by the MainStream Education Foundation’s Voter to Voter project, leveraging the power of personal relationships to up-end traditional get out the vote efforts and drive a new foundation for voter engagement. Because change comes from every vote. Every voter. Every advocate and volunteer. Every legislator and protester. Every one of you.
Won’t you join us as we honor the last twenty-five years, and celebrate the next part of our journey?
Please join us in celebrating our past, and our future.
For sponsorship opportunities, click here (pdf).
Tickets will be on sale in September.