MainStream Coalition is hosting "Step Up and Advocate: Postcards Against Gun Violence"
Sunday, February 25, 2018 from 4pm to 5:30pm.
Panera, 8300 Mission Road, Prairie Village, Kansas 66206
Our Step Up and Advocate Volunteer Meet Ups occur weekly, although the days and times vary. Please continue to check with our website for upcoming advocacy opportunities.
With the recent tragedy in at the Florida high school, MainStream is propelled to amplify our voices by this Postcard Pop-Up. Please attend and write your concerns and comments about reducing gun violence and demanding our legislators to promote reasonable gun laws.
Postcards, pens, talking points and hot tea will be provided. MainStream will also deliver the postcards.
Bring a friend or two. The more postcards we write the louder our voices become.
Also area high schoolers are encouraged to come and help plan a reaction to the recent Florida high school shooting. We need to hear your voices and input. Some teens have expressed joining a national walkout, national march, have a moment of silence, a before school sidewalk rally etc. Please come be part of the solution!
Please contact Lesa Patterson-Kinsey, if you have any questions: lesa@mainstreamcoalition or 913-649-3326.
February 25, 2018 at 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Lesa Patterson-Kinsey
· 913-649-3326
Sarah Cousineau rsvped
2018-02-25 10:22:35 -0600
Tracey Breford rsvped +6
2018-02-25 09:50:36 -0600
Nora Richard rsvped
2018-02-25 09:26:11 -0600
Shelby Krumm rsvped +1
2018-02-24 23:18:21 -0600
Bonnie Limbird rsvped +1
2018-02-24 18:47:34 -0600
Betty James rsvped
2018-02-24 15:20:20 -0600
Bridget Harper rsvped +3
2018-02-24 11:23:23 -0600
Di Wuthnow rsvped
2018-02-24 09:56:51 -0600
Jen Hill rsvped +3
2018-02-24 09:38:17 -0600
Bob Twillman rsvped +1
2018-02-24 08:51:39 -0600
Kate McLaury rsvped
2018-02-24 07:52:32 -0600
Amy Long rsvped +1
2018-02-23 23:34:43 -0600
Pat Martin rsvped
2018-02-23 17:25:02 -0600
Mary Langley rsvped
2018-02-23 15:27:12 -0600
DeAnna Gordon rsvped +1
2018-02-23 13:57:09 -0600
Jean Drumm rsvped
2018-02-23 13:40:23 -0600
Harry Rybolt rsvped
2018-02-23 10:07:57 -0600
Crystal Roberts rsvped +3
2018-02-23 09:23:54 -0600
Charlotte and Kirby Drayer rsvped +1
2018-02-23 09:12:08 -0600
Karl H Hanson Jr Md rsvped +1
2018-02-23 08:53:23 -0600
Lori Klarfeld rsvped +1
2018-02-23 08:46:11 -0600
Marie Hunter rsvped +1
2018-02-23 07:48:45 -0600
Cristin Euston rsvped +2
2018-02-23 05:06:15 -0600
Laurie Ellison rsvped +1
2018-02-22 20:56:16 -0600
Beth DaSilva rsvped +3
2018-02-22 15:30:56 -0600
Julie Sykes rsvped
2018-02-22 14:14:38 -0600
Andrea Warren rsvped +1
2018-02-22 13:31:22 -0600
Pamela Hansen rsvped +1
2018-02-22 12:21:28 -0600
Elaine Zislin rsvped +1
2018-02-22 12:02:30 -0600
Robin Dukelow rsvped
2018-02-22 11:47:51 -0600