Testimony in support of SB 44, Governor Kelly's Plan to Finance Public Education

This is testimony delivered to the Senate Select Committee on Education Finance by Brandi Fisher, Executive Director of the MainStream Coalition, in support of SB 44, Governor Kelly's plan to finance public education.

Testimony to Senate Select Committee on Education Finance
Chair, Sen. Molly Baumgardner
Hearing: Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Position – SUPPORT SB 44

Chairwoman Baumgardner, and Members of the Committee,

The MainStream Coalition asks that this committee support and pass SB 44, Governor Kelly’s plan to finance public education in Kansas.

We have been in litigation on public education finance for the better part of two decades in Kansas. This bill finally makes good on the promise made in the Kansas Constitution of a suitable education for all Kansans, and fulfills all the requirements of the Kansas Supreme Court to meet that standard.

This is a sensible measure that encourages continued excellence in Kansas education, that puts the state on track to meet the goals of the State Board of Education, and recognizes the efficiency and quality of Kansas public schools, as determined by the Legislature’s own study last year. Kansas schools are the best engine of economic growth for the state, producing Kansans who will ensure our continued prosperity and success. Most importantly, the plan this bill funds is one that ensures opportunity for ALL Kansans, whether they live in rural Kansas, urban Kansas, or suburban Kansas.

The MainStream Coalition urges you to support this bill in this committee, and on the Senate floor.

Thank you,

Brandi Fisher
Executive Director, MainStream Coalition

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