This is testimony presented by MainStream opposing SB 56, a bill designed to remove legal protections for teachers teaching appropriate and necessary sexual education materials to students n elementary and secondary schools in Kansas.
Testimony to House Committee on Judiciary
Hearing: Tuesday, February 2, 2016, 3:30 pm, 112-N
Chairman Barker and Members of the Committee,
The MainStream Coalition opposes passage of SB 56, Removing affirmative defense to promotion to minors of material harmful to minors for public, private or parochial schools.
This bill is too broad, too vague, and unneeded, given existing protections. It puts our children’s health at risk, and puts teachers at risk of nuisance legal attacks.
The MainStream Coalition was founded on the principles of separation of church and state, and we believe this law’s provisions are not based in medical fact, nor backed by health data. This is a moral, religiously based position pushed by the proponents, and as such should not be made law.
We oppose its passage.
Thank you for your attention.
Brandi Fisher
Executive Director
MainStream Coalition