This is testimony delivered to the House Committee on Federal and State Affairs in support of HB 2067, adding video streaming to committee rooms.
Testimony to House Committee on Federal and State Affairs
Chair, Rep. John Barker
Hearing: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Position – SUPPORT HB 2067
Chairman Barker, and Members of the Committee,
The MainStream Coalition supports HB 2067, to add video streaming to committee meetings in the Kansas Legislature. Over the years the Legislature has moved in the direction of providing greater transparency. House and Senate Floor proceedings are streamed for the public as are committee hearings. We applaud these measures!
Transparency is the soul of good government, and when many committee decisions are taken silently by raising hands, it makes audio-only streaming ineffective.
We believe our legislative body serves to represent the people. We also believe that an informed citizenry is fundamental to the strength of our democracy. Vote counts need to be added to the public record and announced for those listening to the live stream or we need to add a video feed of each meeting. The cost of such a service is well worth the access it would provide to Kansans if other measures are not put into place. We urge you to support this measure.
Thank you,
Brandi Fisher
Executive Director of the MainStream Coalition