This is testimony delivered to the Senate Committee on Ethics, Elections and Local Government, and the House Committee on Elections, supporting SB43 and HB 2092, which would allow for Election Day voter registration.
Testimony to Senate Committee on Ethics, Elections and Local Government
Chair, Sen. Elaine Bowers
Hearing: Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Position – SUPPORT SB 43
Chairwoman Bowers, and Members of the Committee,
Testimony to House Committee on Elections
Chair, Rep. William Sutton
Hearing: Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Position – SUPPORT HB 2092
Chairman Sutton, and Members of the Committee,
The MainStream Coalition strongly supports this legislation to establish Election Day voter registration. In a representative democracy, the only way citizens are truly represented is if their votes are counted, and the more votes cast, the more representative the democracy is. This is a common sense, bipartisan, and responsible bill to increase voter participation.
Election Day voter registration is not controversial. It is in place in a dozen states across the country, and has resulted in no increase in voter fraud. As written this bill does not increase costs to the state. It does not burden the staff at polling places with extra duties. It does, in fact, dovetail perfectly with the process already in place to take and determine the fate of provisional ballots.
In fact, the only expected cost for this measure is in the increased number of votes that might be cast by people able to register on Election Day. That seems like a cost a modern democracy should be happy to shoulder.
Make good on the promise that every citizen’s vote counts. Support this bill.
Thank you,
Brandi Fisher
Executive Director of the MainStream Coalition