Yesterday was a huge success for Kansas, and for Kansans who appreciate strong schools, fiscal sanity, and responsible government.
We would like to thank, well, everyone who had anything to do with the herculean task of turning this thing around. Our members and supporters, who volunteered, donated, and worked. Our interns, who hit 10,000 doors and called 2,500 numbers to encourage voters to go vote. Our incredible activist partners, because one group of dedicated people could never have countered all the opposition. And, of course, the candidates themselves, who worked harder than anyone to bring change.

MainStream Board President Sheryl Spalding congratulates John Skubal on his win.
We are still examining the numbers, and frankly, recovering from the last few months. We will have more analysis in our next update, but for now, we can give you these encouraging numbers.
The Kansas Senate is within two seats, (two seats!) of being in moderate control. This would be an incredible result.
In the Kansas House, already able to stop the most extreme legislation, you flipped eleven seats from extremist to moderate! There is plenty of opportunity for more change.
Here at MainStream, we worked hard for this result. We spent tens of thousands of dollars to get out the vote and to support candidates. You called thousands of people from our offices. You took yard signs and volunteered for candidates.... Of the ten candidates we supported, seven won last night.
This. Feels. Great. But there’s a lot of work to do, still, for the General Election. So take a lap, enjoy the hashtag #didmorethanvote, and get ready to do more than vote, again.
Thank you.