This is the Mainstream Coalition's Voting Scorecard for the 2022 Kansas Legislative Session for every member of the Kansas Legislature. Scorecards from previous legislative sessions may be found here.
For the 2022 Legislative Session, Mainstream Coalition advocated for common sense policies to #SaveKansas with the following priorities:
- Separation of religion and government
- Public education
- Redistricting
- LGBTQ equality
- Immigration
- Voting rights
- Reproductive rights
The Kansas Legislature attacked these values with hearings on electoral integrity that blasted distruths, "gut and go" tactics that prevented the public from testifying on important bills, and a redistricting process that left us with 10 more years of racial and partisan gerrymandered maps. Of the bills we followed, we have scored bills related to our priorities and where final action was taken in both chambers, including the 2021 the Special Session on COVID-19. These are the bills:
- Separation of Religion and Government - HB 2001 (2021 Special Session). In November of 2021, the KS Legislature strong-armed Governor Laura Kelly into calling a Special Session to the tune of $63,000 for the day. This followed the Special Committee on Government Overreach and Impact of COVID-19 Mandates and was a response to the announcement of vaccine mandates by the federal government. In addition to other restrictions regarding vaccine mandates, HB 2001 expanded the use of exemptions based on "sincerely held religious beliefs." (Bill summary) Mainstream's position: Nay
Public Education - SB 58. The so-called "Parents' Bill of Rights" was Kansas' response to the national trend to restrict curriculum, ban books, and coerce teachers under the guise of "transparency." The vote scored was on the failed vote to override Governor Kelly's veto, which the Senate voted to override and the House voted to sustain. (Bill summary) Mainstream's position: Nay
Redistricting - SB 355. Every ten years following the U.S. Census, the KS Legislature undergoes a process of redistricting Congressional, State Senate, State House, and State Board of Education Maps. Beginning in 2021, the Redistricting Advisory Group began to take public testimony regarding what Kansans wanted their boundaries to look like based on communities of interest. The resulting Congressional map - Ad Astra 2 - was a partisan and racial gerrymandered map that ignored public testimony and, though found to be gerrymandered by the Wyandotte County District Court, was ultimately found to be constitutional under the Kansas Supreme Court. The vote scored is the veto override on the Congressional map as the best representation of the redistricting process, and does not include votes on the other state maps drawn by the legislature. Mainstream's position: Nay
- LGBTQ Equality - SB 160. This was the second year the Kansas Legislature tried, and failed, to pass the so-called "Fairness in Women's Sports Act." SB 160 would would have allowed the state-sponsored bullying of transgender girls and banned them from playing school sports with other girls. The vote scored was on the failed vote to override Governor Kelly's veto, which the Senate voted to override and the House voted to sustain. (Bill summary) Mainstream's position: Nay
Immigration - HB 2717. Immediately following the passage of the "Safe and Welcoming" ordinance in Wyandotte County, Attorney General Derek Schmidt requested HB2717, which prohibits municipalities from preventing the enforcement of federal immigration laws and requires any municipal identification card to state on its face that it is not valid for state identification. (Bill Summary). Mainstream's position: Nay
Voting Rights - S Sub for HB 2056. The "Frankenstein Voter Suppression Bill" was put together from multiple bad bills and pushed through the Senate without adequate time for public testimony. HB 2056 proposed to limit access to remote ballot boxes and shorten the periods for when advance voting ballots can be returned and for voter registration. The Senate pushed the bill through Conference Committee, but the House did not take up a vote, meaning that we DO NOT score this bill in our scorecard. We are including this information here because of its importance to voting rights in Kansas, and because elements of the bill may return in future session. Mainstream's position: Nay
- Reproductive Rights - On August 2nd, Kansas voters will vote on the so-called "value them both" constitutional amendment to change the Kansas Constitution and give the power to the Kansas Legislature to pass laws to ban abortion in Kansas, including in instances of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother. In 2019, the KS Supreme Court found that the Constitution contains that right, but the U.S. Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade, making Kansas the first state to put abortion access to a public vote in a post-Roe world. The amendment will only need greater than 50% of the votes cast in that primary election to amend the constitution. HCR 5003 was scored last year, to see how a legislator voted check out the 2021 scorecard here: (Learn more at Kansans for Constitutional Freedom) Mainstream's position: Vote NO
Presented below are the votes for all Kansas legislators in the 2022 Legislative Session. Historically, Mainstream Coalition reports a lifetime *M score for each legislator. As we transition to a new reporting tool, that score will be made public on our Lifetime Voting Scorecard.
2022 *M Voting Scorecard
Mainstream is transitioning to a new, interactive scorecard so that you learn more about the legislation being scored, see how your legislator voted, and visualize the breakdown of voting patterns in the House and Senate.
- Mainstream recommends looking first at the the Vote Index column on the Summary tab. This represents the percentage of the 5 votes taken in which a legislator took the position supported by the Mainstream Coalition. If a legislator was absent or abstained from voting on a bill, the Vote Index will not be impacted. You can sort by category to see their score on each specific bill listed above.
- Use the Legislation tab to learn more about the bills included in the scorecard.
- Use the Bill Score tab to see how your legislator voted on each of our tracked bills. A -1 vote means they voted against Mainstream's position, a 1 means they voted with Mainstream's position, and 0 means they were absent or abstained.
- If you have any questions, please let us know at [email protected]
As of 7/15/22, the tool we use to generate this scorecard has not been updated by the provider to reflect any new House and Senate district numbers. We hope to have an update soon!