The Kansas State Board of Education (SBOE) will be meeting this week (as early as tomorrow, Wednesday morning) to discuss the question of whether public schools should be delayed to open after Labor Day, as proposed by Governor Laura Kelly.
Please reach out to the members of the SBOE, who are elected officials, and ask them to delay the start of school so that we can have time to assess and prepare for a school year that is safe for everyone (children, teachers, and families), that provides an excellent education, and that is accessible to every Kansans child, regardless of geography or circumstance.
Here are the email addresses of the SBOE members (email them all, or find which one represents you here). Click below to email them all:
Here is a sample message you can copy and paste (and then edit, if you like):
Dear SBOE Members,
Please delay the start of public school in Kansas so that our public health and education experts can assess and prepare for a school year that is safe for everyone (children, teachers, and families), that provides an excellent education, and that is accessible to every Kansans child, regardless of geography or circumstance. This is a matter of public health, not politics, and how it affects the education of Kansas children.
Thank you.
The Mainstream Coalition has been at the forefront of advocacy for education equity and excellence in Kansas for twenty-five years, and was a partner in the return of reasonable science education policies to the SBOE in 2007. In this time of pandemic, we could use your support. Please consider how you might help us as we keep fighting for the rights of every Kansan. Thank you.
Thank you again for your support of Mainstream and the work we do.