HB 2119, a bill that was created from several terrible education policy bills, will be debated on the floor of the Kansas House at 10 am tomorrow, Tuesday, March 30, 2021!
Learn more about HB 2119
HB 2119 was originally just a voucher bill, boldly taking money directly from the State and giving it to private and parochial schools in the form of "education savings accounts." But in committee, Chair Rep. Kristey Williams added more and more provisions, creating a "Frankenstein" bill that combines terrible policy with much needed funding, giving legislators a difficult decision.
Among the provisions added to the original vouchers in HB 2119 are another voucher program from HB 2068, expanding the Tax Credit Scholarship program, a school district micromanagement edict from HB 2067, a plan to treat remote learners as virtual students for funding purposes (they are very different), and require the KS Department of Education to use Federal COVID relief funds for public education funding, a one-time, unsustainable plan that may not even be legal. Among other provisions!
It also provides for continued funding of public education per the Gannon court decision. That essential and legally required funding should not be held hostage to these other policy mistakes. They can be split into separate measures.
Last year, a similar attempt was made by Williams to bundle controversial policy with required funding, and the Legislature wisely refused to pander to the special interests behind dismantling public education. They can do so again this year.
Please let your legislator know you won't stand for this.