Next we vote

The election season has been officially kicked off with our Walk the Vote event this past Saturday. Five hundred people came out to downtown Overland Park to meet candidates, meet each other, and walk with signs and chants to keep Kansas moving forward. It was a fantastic event, raised awareness and money for these elections, and served to set the stage for the primaries in August.

Thank you all who came out. See more pictures here!

If you didn't make it, you can still donate to election activities at, or directly to MainStream. We will be working to support the values we all share (see Where We Stand).


As a supporter of MainStream, you know the importance of voting. But you can still make your vote count more by voting early. You'll be assured your vote will be counted even if you have car trouble on election day, your candidates will save time and energy by not courting your vote anymore, and you may even get a respite from polling phone calls!

Now, how can you do more than vote?

With the election season started, we have several events and opportunities for you to get involved and make a difference. Once you've gotten your vote rolling (by applying for a mail-in ballot, or making a voting plan), check out these options for making even more of a difference.

It starts here. With you. Do more than vote.

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