*Take Action
...on Public Education
HB2048 - Providing additional student eligibility under the tax credit for low income students scholarship program and increasing the amount of the tax credit for contributions made pursuant to such program.
CLICK HERE to email Chair Rep. Williams and members of the House K-12 Education Budget Committee before the bill hearing on Wednesday 1/24 at 3:30 pm.
Email Subject: Please Oppose HB2048
Talking points:
- Public funds should not be spent on private, often parochial schools that are not held to the same standards, oversight, or nondiscrimination requirements as public schools.
- These voucher-like tax diversion schemes place an increased tax burden on working Kansans.
- There has been no evidence that these programs result in increased learning outcomes for students.
...on Voting Rights
HB2013 - Requiring a runoff election between the top two candidates whenever a candidate for a statewide office fails to receive a majority of the votes cast at a general or special election.
CLICK HERE to email Chair Rep. Proctor and members of the House Elections Committee before the bill hearing on Tuesday 1/23 at 3:30 pm
Email Subject: Please Oppose HB2013
Talking points:
- Our current election system is fair and represents Kansas voters well.
- Requiring a special election creates an unnecessary burden on Kansas taxpayers and local election offices.
- Examples from other states with this system show that oftentimes runoff elections are tedious and difficult to staff.
HB2056 - Requiring all advance voting ballots to be returned by 7 p.m. on election day.
CLICK HERE to email Chair Rep. Proctor and members of the House Elections Committee before the bill hearing on Thursday 1/25 at 3:30 pm.
Email Subject: Please Oppose HB2056
Talking points:
- Voting by mail is a safe and effective way for Kansans to cast their ballot. In the 2022 elections, 41% of Kansans voted by mail.
- There are infinite valid reasons why a ballot postmarked on or before election day may not be received by 7:00 pm on election day.
- Removing the 3-day voter protection period would create a double standard that disenfranchises mail ballot voters and favors individuals who vote in-person on Election Day.
- According to the Kansas Secretary of State’s office, Kansas elections are already safe and secure.
- There is no credible evidence that accepting mail ballots after Election Day leads to fraud or security concerns.
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