This is testimony delivered to the House Committee on Elections by Lesa Patterson-Kinsey, Outreach Coordinator for the MainStream Coalition, in support of SB 130, a bill that would require elections officers attempt to contact voters when a signature mismatch on advance ballots would otherwise invalidate the vote.
Testimony to House Committee on Elections
Chair, Rep. William Sutton
Hearing: Thursday, March 14, 2019
Position – SUPPORT SB 130
Chair Sutton, and Members of the Committee,
The MainStream Coalition stands in support of SB 130, a clear, common sense measure that assures absentee voters that their votes will count.
It is surprising to realize that, as it stands now, voters whose signatures cannot be verified are never informed that their vote might be thrown out. How many voters, unwittingly disenfranchised, have watched election returns on television, thinking they had a hand in the results? We fully support this bill, to ensure this does not keep happening in Kansas.
We urge the Committee to recommend it for passage, and the House to send it on to the Governor.
Thank you,
Lesa Patterson-Kinsey
MainStream Coalition