Top 10 Reasons to Walk the Vote

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We're in the final countdown to Walk the Vote on June 9. Sign up to show up here!

Not coming? Haven't donated? Here are some reasons you should.

10. Early June is a lovely time for a morning walk to rattle the bars on Kansas politics. The Walk is timed to kick off the 2018 elections.

9. You're tired of politics right when Kansas and the country need you most. The Walk will energize you.

8. You don't know who is running. The Walk will have electeds and candidates from across the region and state eager to meet you and answer your questions.

7. You have a $5 latte in yours hands right now. Donate tomorrow's latte to the Walk to help give health care to 150,000 working Kansans. Maybe your barista.

6. Your friends don't vote. Bring them to the Walk! Or ditch them! The Walk will include hundreds of Kansans who do more than vote.

5. Mama told you there'd be days like this. The Walk is about making Kansas better for ALL Kansans. Including you.

4. You're mad. Angry. Ticked off. The Walk will let you do something about it, surrounded by people doing something about it.

3. You're a teacher. A social worker. A business owner. Employed. Unemployed. Retired. A mother. A father. A grandparent. You're a Democrat, a Republican, or Unaffiliated. You're fortunate. Down on your luck. Grateful. You're a Kansan. You're a person of whatever stripe, and you have a say in your government. The Walk will let you have your say.

2. Your government representatives don't represent you. Or they do, and you want to keep it that way. The Walk raises money for the 2018 election cycle, and 100% of funds will go to election activities, supporting candidates and policies that support values we fight for: learn more about where we stand.

1. Brownback 2.0. Actually, the Governor's race has the potential to produce an even worse Governor than Brownback ever was. So Brownback++? The Walk is about keeping Kansas moving forward, not sliding back into the hole we're climbing out of.

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100% of funds will go to election activities

100% of your energy will go to election activities

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