Our last Legislative Forum of the season was held on May 29, and 120 people came to hear our panelists speak about the past legislative season, what happened, and where we go from here.
Our guests were:
- Bob Beatty, Professor of Political Science, Washburn University
- Burdett Loomis, Professor of Political Science, University of Kansas
- Michael Smith, Associate Professor of Political Science, Emporia State University
- Mark Peterson, Chair and Professor of Political Science, Washburn University
- Holly Weatherford, Advocacy Director, ACLU of Kansas
The moderator was Stephen Steigman of KCUR. He came prepared with several thorny questions, and after an overview of the 2014 Legislative Session by Holly Weatherford, the panel engaged in a lively, sometimes funny, sometimes realistic discussion of Kansas politics.
You can watch the entire program below (1 hr 30 min)
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