Next week, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) will be holding its annual meeting in San Diego. ALEC is a right-wing, big business-friendly organization founded by the Koch Brothers to generate boilerplate legislation and urge its introduction into state legislatures around the country.
Confirmed speakers include Sen. Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, and Gov. Scott Walker, a former member of ALEC and soon to be presidential candidate. Among the attendees at this event will be members of the legislative leadership in Kansas, including House Speaker Ray Merrick and Senate President Susan Wagle. Their attendance is a sure sign of their allegiance to this cause: to support the interests of corporations above those of average Kansans.
- Learn more about the influence of ALEC in Kansas
- Discover the shocking number of Kansas legislators already under their influence
In the run up to this conference, individuals across Kansas are learning about ALEC and the influence of the organization in their lives. We encourage you to get some friends together to watch an hour long show from Bill Moyers and Company, telling the truth about ALEC.
This is an opportunity to do more than vote. Open the eyes of your friends and family to the influence these extreme policies have at the local level. You can view the documentary for free by clicking on the link below. Why not invite a few friends over and have your own private screening?
- United States of ALEC - Bill Moyers and Company (video and transcript available)
If you do host a watch party, let us know and we'll send you a free MainStream bumper sticker as a thank you for helping to inform others about the impact of this organization. If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected] or at 913.649.3326.