It is time. We need you to help us get out the vote in the 2019 elections. We're not asking you to attend a phone bank, or to sign up to walk in the heat, knocking on the doors of strangers. No, we just want you to call your friends, your family, or your co-workers. People you already know. We want you to talk to them about how important it is for them to vote.
We want you to join Voter to Voter as a Voting Ambassador.
How? It's simple.
At the training sessions (or one of our webinars!), you will learn about the project, meet the staff, and find out how Voter to Voter is working to make a real difference in 2019 and 2020.
- We're holding three kickoff trainings in Johnson County in July, followed by social hours to get to know your fellow Ambassadors.
- We're holding weekly in-person trainings in Kansas City, KS for the duration, so there will always be an opportunity to come visit and get support.
- We're holding online webinar trainings twice a week, great for Ambassadors outside of NE Kansas, or anyone who doesn't have time for an in-person session!
- Find a training that works for you
In 2018, we beat the state's turnout by 26%. We can do even better this year.
What is Voter to Voter?
We've talked about Voter to Voter a lot lately, but that's because it is such an amazing project. Even in a record-setting year for turnout, like we had in 2018, only a little more than half the electorate turned out to vote. Voter to Voter got 82% of our voters to the polls. We did it by helping people like you talk to the people they already know, backed by our online tool that helps you stay in touch with your voters all season. Couple that with our useful emails full of tips, suggestions, and important dates, and our online communities for Ambassadors, and it could not be easier.
Who is behind it?
Voter to Voter is a project of the MainStream Education Foundation, a non-partisan non-profit dedicated to getting individuals to engage in politics. As a result, Voter to Voter is also strictly non-partisan. We just want more people to vote, because we think elected officials should represent ALL their constituents.
You can see more about the MainStream Education Foundation and our staff here, but we wanted to introduce you to two of our newest employees, who are working on Voter to Voter. Led by Lindsay Behgam, our Director of Voter Engagement, they will be helping our Ambassadors drive voter turnout.
John Pauldine joined Voter to Voter after working for a successful mayoral campaign in 2018, and seeing firsthand the impact young people can have in an election. He will be spearheading Voter to Voter's youth outreach, getting new voters and young adults into the project and to the polls. He says, “Too many young people don’t vote for a variety of reasons. I want to make it easier for them to get registered, get to the polls, and cast their vote. When more people vote we have a healthier democracy, and that’s deeply important to me.”
Sheyvette Dinkens has joined Voter to Voter this summer to work closely in Wyandotte County to get people involved and engaged, and to turn up voter participation. Originally from Liberal, she comes to us with a wealth of talent and experience in education and counseling, and is an award-winning business teacher at Wyandotte High School. We are excited to have her insights into what makes a strong community on our team.
But they can't do it alone. They need you to sign up as a Voting Ambassador with Voter to Voter. The first step is attending a training to learn about the project and all we offer.
Do more than vote.