The Plan is to Dismember Education in Kansas

It is not too on the nose to state that the goal of many legislators in Kansas is to end public education. At the very least, to end the funding of public education by the State. Which is tantamount to the same thing.

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Testimony opposing SB 71

This is the testimony submitted by the MainStream Coalition in opposition to Kansas Senate Bill 71.

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Talking points for SB 71

Senate Bill 71 is still active in the Kansas Legislature, and some of our members have asked for the points we think are the most important in expressing our opposition to the legislation. Here you go, pulled from some of the testimony being submitted this week.

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Dear MainStream, how can I make a difference?

This is a letter from a member, desperate for advice. You can get in touch with your concerns, too.

Over the past two years (in particular), I have written to my legislators to support education and other issues which MainStream supports. When they usually voted the opposite way, I told them of my disappointment.
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Something to Offend Everyone - Legislative Update

The 2015 legislative session is into its third week, with over 200 bills and resolutions introduced and no shortage of something to offend everyone. The underlying themes woven throughout the majority of these bills, and many more to come, should alarm us all into action.

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ACTION ALERT - SB71 begins the bloodletting on public schools

Now is the time make yourself heard.

Kansas Senate Bill 71 is a slap in the face to parents and property owners who just agreed to maintain higher taxes, making up for shortfalls in public education funding coming from Governor Brownback’s administration.

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Government is not the problem

We have noticed a trend in these first weeks of the Kansas political season. The Governor proposed his vision and plan, and virtually every agency and office has sounded the alarm for their budget. The Governor's irresponsible tax cuts have put us in this crisis, and his blind adherence to that vision has lit a fear under every aspect of State Government. From the courts to the pension, from the roads to public education, everyone is trying to impress upon lawmakers and the public just how crucial their services are to the people of Kansas.

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Brownback Doubles Down - Legislative Update

Here we go. The 2015 Kansas Legislative session kicked off this week with a bang and the message is loud and clear ― the Brownback administration is doubling down.

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We Must Not Fail

This is a letter from MainStream's new Board President, Sheryl Spalding.

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Vote YES for Schools

While we wait and speculate about the actions the Kansas Legislature will take this session, the first, concrete bit of action has come our way. Numerous school districts in the state have sent out mail-in ballots regarding school funding.

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