We're holding a party to get out the vote, early voting is open across Kansas, and the Legislature is still working (but we're paying attention). Get caught up on the most important items in Kansas politics this week.
Get Ready to Vote Party on Friday!!
Join us for an early voting party, and get yourself, and your friends, ready for the last weekend push to get out the vote! Voter to Voter is hosting a party, because sometimes we all need a little motivation. And some of your friends are going to need a lot of motivation to participate in these November 5th elections! Come by for 30 minutes and we'll sit around and text our Kansas friends and remind them to vote.
If you're not local - or you'd like to host your own house party on Friday, November 1 - let us know and we'll help you get set up! Just email us at [email protected]
Friday, November 1, 2019
3:30 - 8:30 pm
1401 Southwest Blvd, Kansas City, KS
- Learn more and let us know if you're coming! (Facebook)
Early, In Person Voting is Open! Avoid the bad weather!
You can vote now for the November 5th election! Get down to your polling place (not sure where that is? ksballot.org has you covered) and get voting. Already voted? Great! Now get your friends and family to go vote. 80% of registered voter don't vote in an election like this! You can find eight people you know and get them to vote by next Tuesday.
Voting early means you can do it when you want to, you can avoid any bad weather, and your candidate can put their energy on those people who have not voted yet.
Stand Up, Speak Out Sold Out, but you can still be political
Our annual event is sold out, but that doesn't mean you can't be political. When we are working to get out the vote, we often hear the following from Kansans, "Oh, I'm not political." At MainStream, we are constantly asking people to talk politics with their friends, to get in touch with their representatives, to advocate for what is most important to them. We ask them to do more than vote. That's what being political means. Even if you can't join us on Tuesday, you can be informed with ksballot.org, be engaged with Voter to Voter, and get out to vote.
If you can't join us on Tuesday, you can still help us by giving to support the work we do:
KS Legislature is working, and so are we.
On KanCare expansion: Last Wednesday, a Special Committee in the Kansas Legislature gave approval to move forward with a KanCare expansion proposal put forward by Sen. Jim Denning (*M 19%). Unlike the bill passed by the KS House last year, and stalled by Denning and other Leadership in the KS Senate though it had enough votes to pass, this bill introduces barriers and likely delays to implementation. Kansas passed expansion in 2017, but it was vetoed by Gov. Brownback. Kansas had the votes to pass it in 2019, but it was stalled by Denning and others. Now this lukewarm bill looks to take a step back from the positions Kansans want.
On Removing the Right to Reproductive Freedom from the Kansas Constitution: There was a hearing in a special committee on October 2 about an amendment to the KS Constitution to remove the right to an abortion from the KS Constitution. There's another hearing this week. MainStream submitted testimony to both, opposing an amendment. This will be a contentious fight in the KS Legislature in 2020.
Take a minute now to let your Kansas legislators know you're paying attention.