ALERT! Ask Gov. Kelly to veto SB 55!

SB 55, the bill to discriminate against trans girls and women in Kansas school sports, is on Gov. Laura Kelly's desk. Below is the letter Mainstream has sent asking her to veto the legislation. We need you to send her an email, too!

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ALERT! Protect public education, email your KS Rep to oppose HB 2119

HB 2119, a bill that was created from several terrible education policy bills, will be debated on the floor of the Kansas House at 10 am tomorrow, Tuesday, March 30, 2021!

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ALERT! Email the Education Committee to Oppose Transgender Discrimination in SB 208

SB 208, a bill that will discriminate against trans girls and women in Kansas school sports, will have a hearing at 1:30 pm on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, in the Senate Committee on Education. The bill, under the guise of providing "a level playing field" would prevent trans girls and women from participating with their peers in school sports.

Learn more about SB 208

Introduced by Sen. Renee Erickson (R, *M:7%), SB 208 is called the "Creating the Fairness in Women's Sports Act," while it does just the opposite, perpetuating the idea that some in our society deserve less than others, by the simple fact of their existence. The bill would bar trans girls and women from participating in girls sports in school.

To be clear, this bill is discriminatory, hurtful, and devoid of basis in fact. Proponents will argue their goal is fairness, while conveniently ignoring the children—children!—they are bullying. Bills like this are appearing nationwide, driven by the Alliance Defending Freedom, which has been behind several discriminatory bills in the past, and defended the Colorado baker who refused a wedding cake to a gay couple.

Thank you for Doing More Than Voting.

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Testimony opposing discrimination against trans children in SB 208

This is testimony by the Mainstream Coalition opposing SB 208, which discriminates against trans girls and women in Kansas school sports.

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Testimony opposing limits to voter education and assistance

This is the Mainstream Coalition's testimony opposing HB 2333, a bill that would prevent election officers and candidates. from assisting voters with applications for advance ballots. It would result in voters who submit a mistakenly incomplete advance ballot application having no knowledge their application had not been accepted, and blithely waiting for their advance ballot in the mail. It is yet another voter suppression bill looking to solve a problem that does not exist.

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Testimony opposing slashing time for mail-in ballots to arrive

This is testimony we are providing to oppose HB 2319, a bill designed to cut the period of time during which a mail-in ballot, postmarked on or before election day, can arrive at the election office to be counted. Currently, ballots have three days to arrive in the mail. This bill would cut that to less than 24 hours after election day.

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School Vouchers, Tax Insanity, and Transphobia in the KSLeg

This content is from our weekly update email that will be sent to Members only beginning net week. It will continue to bring insights into Kansas politics, advocacy, and the actions we can take to affect both, as a benefit for the dedicated Members who make our work possible. If you'd like to keep receiving this content, you can join Mainstream (or check on your membership status) here. Thank you for your support of the Mainstream Coalition.

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ALERT! Ask your KS Senator to vote on on SB 61, expanding education vouchers

SB 61 (the identical companion to HB 2068) is a bill to further expand the Tax Credit Scholarship program that sends tax money to private schools in Kansas. It will be voted on in the Kansas Senate today!

Contact your KS Senator and ask them to vote no on this bill.

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Testimony opposing public dollars for private schools in HB 2119

This is written testimony we provided to the House K-12 Education Budget Committee opposing HB 2119, a bill that would put public money into private education accounts for schools that do not serve all Kansas students.

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How they voted: HCR 5003

The Kansas Legislature has just voted on and passed HCR 5003, a resolution that places an amendment on the August, 2022 primary ballot in Kansas. If more than half of the people who vote in that election vote in favor, it will explicitly remove from the Kansas Constitution the right of all Kansans to makes their own reproductive health choices.

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