Take Action Today! Ask Gov Kelly to Veto Bad Education and LGBTQ Bills
Governor Kelly will soon be taking action on two harmful bills for Kansas. We need you to email her TODAY to ask her to veto SB 160 and SB 58!
Tell Your Legislator to Vote NO on SB 160 and Protect KS Kids
Email your legislators now before they vote on this harmful bill. Let them know you stand for equality. And, urge them to vote NO on SB 160.
Read moreWhere We Stand At The End of a Long Week in the #KSLeg
The Kansas Legislature has adjourned for a long weekend with plans to reconvene next week for conference committee work. Over the past few days, the legislature has advanced bills attacking public education, elections, and transgender youth. Here's where we stand right now.
If you'd like to receive our detailed legislative analysis like this every week, become a Mainstream member to receive our weekly insider recap of what's happening under the dome.
Read moreOppose State-Sponsored Bullying
On Monday, March 21, the Kansas Senate will vote to legalize bullying and discrimination! Help protect Kansas kids! Email your Senator and let them know that discrimination is not a Kansas value! Urge them to vote NO on SB 484.
Read moreIf you don’t have a seat at the table, bring your own
The fate of Kansas public education is in the crosshairs of political extremists. Their agenda includes striking down any efforts of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) - incorrectly lumped under the conservative rallying cry of CRT - claiming a decline in school achievement scores to justify gutting public school funding in favor of private vouchers, and empowering angry parents to supervise teacher and administrative choices over curriculum and banned books.
Read moreOur Kids are COUNTING on US. Stop Extremists.
Stealth candidates aren’t new to Kansas politics. More than 30 years ago Dr. Bob Meneilly, founding Chairman of Mainstream Coalition, warned against the rise of extremists in politics, and specifically of stealth candidates infiltrating our school boards to cause harm to our public schools and communities.
Read moreTestimony to the Special Committee on Government Overreach and Impact of COVID-19 Mandates
This is the written testimony submitted by Mainstream Coalition to the Special Committee on Government Overreach and Impact of COVID-19 Mandates.
Read moreLast minute GOTV Gala Details!
We're only a day away from the Get Out The Vote Gala! Please review the following details, including important safety information. If you purchased a table or multiple tickets, please share this information with all of your guests.
Thank you for supporting The Voter Network's integrated voter engagement efforts in Kansas. I look forward to celebrating with you in-person on Tuesday!
Michael Poppa
Executive Director
The Real Government Overreach on COVID-19
Last week, Republican state legislators continued to misdirect what should be a war against COVID to a war on any government attempt to stop the spread of a deadly disease. The Legislative Coordinating Committee (LCC) is forming an 11-member special committee - the Special Committee on Government Overreach and Impact of COVID-19 Mandates - to investigate how Kansas can legally weaken or oppose federal and local mandates on vaccines and masks meant to keep employees, students, and vulnerable Kansans safe.
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